Monday 25 April 2016


A friend sends a picture in a platform, a couple of us. Are using in interchanging information. The picture he post. Was nothing else. But the picture of a young man. Who was at a gallows at Iraq. About to be hanged for refusing to give up his faith in Jesus Christ.

The paradox in the story was. This young man even at that gallows. Was feeling good. He was behaving as he was told. He was for the first time at an airport. To board a plane. To take him to Dubai for a honeymoon or Hawaii for a holiday.

As members of that our platform start to comment. Something was established. That young man understood what the scripture is saying in Rev. 20:4-15. Their shall be resurrection. First resurrection and second resurrection. The first resurrection for them. That shall continue to life. Those who shall life and reign with Christ Jesus. While the second resurrection, shall be for them. That shall dye again. Those who are going to suffer eternal with the devil in hell. Which is the second death. Which is to say, that young man, understood the topic before us.  JESUS, THE RESURRECTION & THE LIFE.

In Acts chapter 23, we saw the Sadducee s and Pharisees fighting each other. Because of resurrection. To the point of forgetting what they gathered together to do. The Sadducee s  was arguing, there was nothing like resurrection. Per adventure, there is someone in the same school of taught with the Pharisees reading this piece. 1 kings 17:17-24 said. There was a young man. The only son of a widow. Popularly known as the widow of the zarephat. Who suddenly became sick. The sick grew sore. Just in a record time. And in no time, he died. But when the widow and mother of the boy. Took the case to a prophet. The prophet took the case God. And God revive him. That is resurrected  him.

When I talk of resurrection. I talk of coming back to life. As in the coming back to life of our lord Jesus Christ. That  we Christians celebrates every year.  And when I talk of life. I talk of the situation of being cheerful. The state of still existing. The state of being alive. The state of not being dead.

In Mathew chapter 28. The scripture says. The elders of the Jews. In the day, following the crucifixion, the death, the burial  of our lord Jesus Christ. went and meet with Pilate. And said unto him. That deceiver (our lord, they are mischievously  addressing like that). When he was alive. Was preaching saying, after he where death. On the 3rd day. He shall resurrect (come back to live again). And we know, it is impossible. What we perceive is . his followers will come and still his corpse. And then, go about preaching. He have resurrected. Therefore send centurions to make sure that his tomb.

Per adventure, there is someone reading this. Who is in the same school of taught with these Jewish leaders. Though  someone who just died, came back. But for someone, who have died and buried for days. That is impossible. The scripture 1 cor. 15:1-11 have this to say to you. It says, the resurrection of Jesus. After spending 3 days in grave. Was not witnessed by one person. Twelve persons, but by over five hundred and two persons. Even at AD 56, when the author of this scripture was penning down this. He was careful to add. That even at that very AD 56, that much of the witnesses of the resurrection of Jesus are still, very much alive.  

Which is to say. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is investigatable. You can go out there. And interview the witnesses yourself. 

And the early church historians, have this to add. The apostle, start to preaching the resurrection of Jesus. Within 50 days of His resurrection. By word of mouth. As if that is not enough. Within 2 years of the event (the death and resurrection of Jesus). They start to reach out to people. In written form.
Which is to say. The Apostle start preaching the resurrection of Jesus. While those that crucify Him (the Jewish leaders,  the centurions, the Roman soldiers etc) are very much alive. But no one of them. Ever say to them. Stop deceiving people. The person you are saying, he have resurrected. Isn’t this his tomb. Still very much intact. Or isn’t this His corpse. Non of them. Ever took that possible. Because, He (Jesus actually resurrected. Meaning resurrection even after burial is possible. 

Since resurrection is certain, what we ought to be doing. In psalm 49, the scripture was like. Carrying out a comparative analysis. He said, a wealthy man will not be able to redeem his bother/sister. Nor pay the precious ransom. Demanded of God, to ransom himself. From the grave. But I know someone who can. The scripture says, the man Jesus was able to present to God. That precious Holy blood. Demanded of Him (God) for our ransom. Praise master Jesus.

Something happened not long ago. Oprah Winfrey have a lady in her TV show. One thing led to another during their conversation. And the lady said. Jesus is the only way to heaven. Oprah said to the woman. No, Jesus is not the only way to heaven. But one of the ways to heaven.

So another TV show guru, by name Larry King. Decide to use the opening to magnate audience to his own show. He invite a pastor to come in his show for an interview. And did the other necessary, to get audience to tune in, unto his show. During the interview on the appointed day. He asked the pastor. Pastor is Jesus, the only way to heaven. The pastor replied and said. Larry only God knows.

Per adventure, there’s a reader of this writing. Who like that pastor. Is not sure, if Jesus is the only way to heaven or not. Or anyone, who like Oprah. Is of the school of taught.  Jesus is but only 1 of the ways to heaven. 

Here this, John 11:17-27 says. When Jesus and Martha were having conversation. It was moving very smoothly. But immediately Martha said to Jesus. I know that my brother, Lazarus shall resurrect at the last day. Jesus was like hold it there. That was only half of the truth. The whole/entire truth is.  I (Jesus) am the Resurrection and the life. Note, it didn’t say. We are the Resurrection and the life. Neither did it say. I am part of the resurrection and life. It says, very plainly. I am the resurrection and life. Whoever believe in me. Though he/she were death. He/she shall live.

According to Long man dictionary of contemporary English. When we say, we believe in someone or something. We are saying we trust in the person. We have confidence in that thing. As in to be able to successfully do that. Which we want to use it for.

When I was meditating on this writing. My lord say I should congratulate. Many who before now. Have believe in Jesus. He say, I should tell you. Because you trust in Jesus. You are in honor. He said, because you have confidence in Jesus. I should tell you. In this life. You shall have peace. In the life to come. You shall not experience hell. In the life to come, you shall make heaven. You state shall be cheerful. You shall live and reign with Christ. You shall live as kings and priest.

Par adventure, there is someone reading this. Who have not believe in Jesus. I have good news for you. The scripture says, today is a day of salvation. Today is the day of grace and a year of jubilee. If you shall turn. And put your trust in Jesus. You sins shall be forgiven.